$34.65 hourly
City of Pocatello
Pocatello, ID, USA
The Water Construction & Maintenance Supervisor supervises the Department’s capital improvements projects and ongoing preventative maintenance programs related to the water distribution system. The job requires technical knowledge of industry practices in order to plan and supervise the employees performing the construction and installation of water mains, hydrants, service lines, valves, site grading, drain systems, and road surface repair work. The job manages leak detection surveys, valve exercising, and system flushing programs. The job requires a Class IV Drinking Water Distribution Operator certificate*. The job is supervised by the Water Superintendent.
The job requires comprehensive knowledge of the operation, maintenance, and repair of the City water supply and distribution system. Error, omission, or negligence in the performance of maintenance crews could have serious consequences for the viability of the City’s water supply, public safety, operation of the...